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A dreamer and a doer, Holly Hobbie has lived her whole life in the small town of Collinsville. Holly is a 13-year-old singer-songwriter who’s got her best friends and close-knit family by her side, but she’s dreaming of ways to save the world – even if it’s starting in her own backyard.
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Classic Holly Hobbie

American Greetings Corporation (now Cloudco Entertainment) first introduced Holly Hobbie in 1967, as a character design on a few greeting cards. The public took an instant interest in her and soon, popular demand for other projects featuring the charming gingham-n-calico girl in the blue bonnet was huge.
Fifty-one years later, Holly Hobbie is back – eager to make new friends, as well as rekindle fond memories with old acquaintances. The Classic Holly Hobbie conveys all that she represents – optimism, the simple joys of childhood, heartwarming friendship, and a belief in the enduring value of love and kindness.